Caffeine-Free Energy Supplements
A natural supplement from Thai ginger extract that is clinically shown to help support alertness, focus, and attention.
Natural energy you can actually feel
It is wonderful to have a fulfilled life, when each day blends work and fun with friends and family. Staying physically active is extremely important for well-being, but sometimes it is impossible to find time for it all. How do we maximize our focus and mental energy while minimizing fatigue to achieve our goals day after day?
Imagine finding that early morning burst of energy or late afternoon alertness without a cup of coffee. No jitters, no crash, just the sustained natural energy that helps you power through the busiest of days.
A ginger-like spice can bolster your mind
Alpinia galanga is a culinary herb used in cuisines of Southeast Asia. Also known as Thai ginger, it is related to the ginger/turmeric family and available as a dietary supplement to provide nootropic and natural energy benefits.
enXtra is a plant-based caffeine-free solution to help promote mental energy, and other nootropic benefits like attention, alertness and focus.
Did you know that energy is a state of mind?
enXtra is a unique supplement solution to help you feel less fatigued and more energized in your activities with the ability to stay alert and focused. No caffeine required!
Clinical studies have shown that just 300 mg of enXtra can help support mental performance. The nootropic benefits of enXtra have been shown to work quickly, giving you a desirable competitive advantage in 5 key ways:
Alertness benefits measured within the first 30 minutes
Up to 5-hours of sustained energy and mental alertness
Caffeine-free alternative without the “crash” phenomenon or jittery side effects you may experience from caffeine†
All-natural solution you can feel
No interference to your sleep cycle
†“Crash” as when mental energy (measured by alertness/attention) and mood generally decline within the first 5 hours after caffeine consumption.